

shockedHas someone asked you to train a group of people?  Maybe you’re the expert on a subject that no-one else in the organization knows how to do. 

Do you feel flattered that you’ve been asked to help others learn this important skill?  Yet, you’re getting sick at your stomach because you have no clue how to create training for a team of adults?

Thinking Out of the Barrel

RaccoonDo you ever find yourself facing an impossible task?   In our consulting work we frequently have to tell our clients that they need to achieve seemingly unattainable quality goals, while at the same time the market is forcing costs to be cut.  The key is how you frame the problem statement.

When we tell those customers that we have seen many instances like the situations they are finding themselves in; and we further tell them that we have helped our clients to resolve both objectives, we are met with understandable skepticism

Why Not Totally Awesome Manufacturing Practices?

belt and suspendersWhy do we say GOOD Manufacturing Practices?  Why not Perfect Manufacturing Practices?  Do we want our drugs and medical devices to be anything less than perfect?  Why not at least Great Manufacturing Practices?  How about this?  Why not Totally Awesome Manufacturing Practices. 

Make Regulatory Compliance Easy by Not Thinking about It

Companies go through two stages when they try to become compliant with FDA regulations.  Stage one is to write all the procedures that translate the regulations into specific actions for the employees.  That’s hard enough.  In stage two the company has to get all its employees to follow those procedures. 

This is the stage where so many companies get lost in the weeds.  Most companies spend much more effort on stage two than stage one.

Napoleon’s Secret Weapon

Napoleon…now you can learn it; better yet, it’s free.

Napoleon knew how to inspire great achievements in others.  Why everyone doesn’t make use of Napoleon’s knowledge, I don’t know.  They could dramatically improve performance, if they did.  Before I tell you Napoleon’s secret, you should understand why you probably don’t already know it. 

Why Does FDA Hamstring Dietary Supplement Manufacturers?

Why?FDA gives greater flexibility to drug makers than to Dietary Supplement manufacturers.  Why?  Moreover, the flexibility that FDA accords drug makers actually allows them to build better quality into their products than dietary supplement manufacturers.

How to Streamline Your Business Processes

StreamlineSeveral times in this blog I’ve talked about the need to simplify business processes.  In June I discussed how to Speed Process Validation with Limited OQ.  Here’s an example from a completely different business.  The applications of this company’s innovation to regulatory processes are many.

How to Hire Good Quality Assurance Personnel

Manfred Kets de Vries said, “First class people hire first class people.  Second class people hire third class people.  How do you put this maxim into action?

Hiring the right personnel is always critical.  Hiring good QA personnel has a unique set of problems.  And – not to put too much pressure on you or anything – your department IS who you hire.

Speed Process Validation with Limited OQ

speedWhen FDA published its guidance document on process validation in 2011 it re-affirmed the importance of process development.  This sounds like a lot of extra work for people who are barely managing IQOQPQ.

FDA had forced the issue a decade earlier with medical devices and design control.  Now they are telling manufacturers of drugs and biologicals that the DESIGN of their process is just as important as the qualification of their equipment.  But simply documenting Stage 1 of Process Validation is not enough.

It’s Chaotic on the Inside, but We’re Dedicated to Our Customers

rushingIs your workplace chaotic?  Is everybody running in reactive mode?  Does everyone acknowledge that it’s hectic, and then excuse it by saying, ‘We’re responding to our customers’.  Yet, everyone knows that a hectic organization is a costly one, because rushing creates errors.  Nothing drives up costs like an error prone business.
